Ladies make mistakes of ignoring the above questions and end up chasing the cloud thinking they are in love. Sometimes the heartbreaks and betrayal we complain is due to mistakes we make, simply because we love the man. But most times it’s not betrayal, you just don’t fit in. Nothing plays more tricks than emotions. It is said” love is blind” some ladies are blind and ignorant to these mistakes because they are victims of their emotions. Today iam sharing with 8 mistakes ladies make when they love a guy way too much .
1. Always making the first move.
Setting the mantle of wooing a woman and making the first move is given to the men and not the other way round. If meet a man you love and you have the opportunity to tell him how you feel, You don’t go directly and tell him, first show him the green light,if the man is interested in you or if the feeling his mutual he will make the first move. Of he doesn’t I suggest you let it slide. Sometimes we don’t get what we want don’t always make the first allow the man to do the chase.
2. We give too much too soon.
Just because you love a man doesn’t warrant you to be stalking him. Men love the chasing, they are wired to do the chasing, don’t swap your position with a man simply because you love him. There’s nothing wrong with being optimistic about love or even giving it your all, but there’s something to be said for holding back a little to protect our heart and our sanity. Unfortunately, we often don’t protect ourselves enough.
3. When he doesn’t reciprocate our feelings, we blame ourselves.
If he decides that he’s “not ready for a relationship” or simply that he likes someone else, we internalize this and assume it’s because we did something wrong or we’re not good enough. That’s ridiculous! Sometimes things just don’t work out and it actually ends up being for the best. We need to believe in our own amazingness way more and stop letting our self-worth be determined by a guy.
4. Falling in Love with man Before Knowing the man.
Some ladies make the mistake of falling in love with a man even before getting to know him. Know the man first and find out if his lifestyle fit into yours. When you don’t take time to know the man at the long run you might come to the realization of his lifestyle not fitting yours or both of you are not on same page in the relationship. This is a mistake you must avoid to safe yourself from heartbreak and disspointment.
5. We ignore the red flags.
They overlook potential red flags because they like him so much, thinking that they’re probably no big deal and won’t affect us in any way. This is a HUGE mistake. Being blind to warning signs is a mistake a woman cannot afford to make because it might cost her, her life. Pay attention to all the warning signs don’t gullible and naive all in the name of love.
6. Mistake of not letting go.
When a woman is in love with a man she finds it difficult to let go. There is nothing wrong in holding up to a man you love and there is nothing wrong in letting go. The trick is understanding which is best for you. Don’t make the mistakes of staying in a bad relationship simply because you love the man. If he doesn’t love you in return, respect or treat you right, please let go of him.
7.We don’t keep our options open even though he hasn’t committed yet.
A man has not done anything for you as his woman until he put a ring on your finger or marry you . Don’t make the mistake of driving other suitors away, simply because you are in love with man. If he havnt propose yet or made you his intentions known to you, leave your options open.
8. Mistake of Lowering your Standards Just to Please Him.
Most ladies make the mistake of lowering their standards just to fit in. Don’t allow any man to make you feel less just because you love him. Don’t revolve your life around him, instead live your life and work within your standards. If he likes you, he should like the real you. If he loves you as much as you love he will operate within or beyond your standard.