We live in an age where people are quicker than ever to judge others based on their appearances. Unsurprisingly, this happens all too often online, where individuals can say whatever they like without fear of repercussion or remand, safe behind a computer screen often thousands of miles from the people or persons they’re putting down.
Celebrities are perhaps the most common victims of such individuals. Living a life in the public eye will of course always come with certain drawbacks, and arguably the most obvious is that one is wide open to criticisms and comments from people they’ve never met.
Just ask Carrie Underwood, who recently returned from a fly fishing trip in Montana. No sooner had the 41-year-old posted the pictures from her trip to social media, however, than did she receive a whole lot of feedback… and not all of it was positive.
When Carrie Underwood – winner of the fourth season of American Idol back in 2005 – posts pics to her Instagram, you can bet your last dollar they’re going to attract attention.
After all, she’s risen to become one of the most beloved country music artists around today, boasting no less than 13 million followers on the social media app.
With that in mind, she’d be forgiven for expecting all manner of comments to pour in when she uploaded a picture carousal to mark a recent fishing trip in Montana.

What she might not have banked on, though, was that much of the focus in the comments field would center around her teeth. That is to say many indulged in speculation as to whether or not she’s undergone dental work recently.
“Ok all I see is her huge white dentures,” one person wrote.
Another added: “She does look different. Still absolutely beautiful! Did she get her teeth done? Not putting her down just wondering.”
A third went a step further, accusing Underwood of undergoing “so much surgery”: “I think she is great but [in] all honesty I can’t recognize her. She is and always has been so naturally beautiful. So much surgery here and new teeth maybe???? 😢”

“This does NOT look like Carrie one bit,” chimed a fourth.
“She looks great but I won’t lie I miss how she looked … I can’t tell what all she changed … again still beautiful no negativity I just grew up watching her so change is hard lol 😆,” added a fifth.
Readers may remember that the 41-year-old fell down the steps outside her home in 2017, suffering injuries to her face and wrist in the process. The star did her utmost to downplay the severity of her wounds, though gossip columns insisted that she had been forced to undergo significant reconstructive surgery.
In a previous interview with Women’s Health, Underwood revealed that she had worn braces as a teenager, though admitted her teeth had shifted as a result of her not wearing her retainer.
“I eventually went to an orthodontist because I had one tooth that was driving me crazy… It’s such a little thing, but it’s only gonna get worse, so let’s fix it now,” she told the magazine.
We think Carrie Underwood looks amazing just as she is! Let us know your thoughts in the comments box.