Though ginger is root solution for a number of health issues, people with some health issues need to refrain from it. Check now.

Ginger, the root solution for so many ailments! Be it digestive distress, colds or a chronic cough, ginger can cure it all. But ginger has its limitations too. Its benefits are not for everyone. Yes! This natural form of medication can is no less than a health hazard for people with certain conditions. If you are suffering from any of these, you need to stop using ginger now.

1. Blood Disorders

Ginger boosts the blood flow, so it is beneficial in the treatment of obesity, Raynaud’s disease, or peripheral artery disease.

Yet, it should not be used in the case of hemophilia, a blood disorder which is characterized by an inability of the blood to clot, as it might neutralize the effects of the medications for the condition.

2. Underweight

Ginger is a rich source of fiber which regulates the pH balance in the stomach, triggers the secretion of digestive enzymes, and supports the fat burning process in the body. Yet, it is not recommended for underweight people as it can cause hair loss, loss of muscle mass, appetite loss, and weight loss, and even an irregular period in women.

3. Drugs

Avoid ginger if you take prescription drugs for diabetes and high blood pressure, as it affects the effects of insulin, beta-blockers, and anticoagulants, and acts as a blood thinner, degrading the blood pressure.

4. Pregnancy

Ginger strengthens the muscles and helps digestion, but it should be avoided in the case of pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions and premature labor.

Some women use it to reduce their morning sickness, but you should stay away from it, especially during the last trimester of the pregnancy.

Ginger also interferes with the absorption of iron and fat-soluble vitamins in the body. Therefore, you should avoid ginger in the case of these 4 conditions, and consume cayenne pepper or paprika instead.