Have you ever wondered why the doors to public restrooms do not reach the floor?

Your click on this article suggests that the answer is yes.

The trouble is, especially in a public restroom, I’m quite fine to remain entirely hidden.

I don’t have to be concerned that one faulty lock will result in a stranger finding me with my trousers down or that I will be caught looking for a free stall.

I’m sure others share this view, but most public restroom doors have a huge hole at the bottom and, on occasion, on the sides.

It turns out that there are various valid reasons why whoever is in charge of establishing public restrooms prefers to utilize short doors, even if they may not be the most comfortable spot to relieve oneself.

Source: Freepik

Emergencies in the stall
Health problems can arise anywhere, including in public restrooms. It is very feasible that hours might go by in a completely concealed restroom before anyone realizes you are in trouble.