Heart attacks have become increasingly common, and the challenge is that they are often unpredictable. While it’s hopeful to think you may never experience one, it’s crucial to know some lifesaving techniques in case you or someone else faces an imminent heart attack.

In this post, you’ll learn exactly how to respond if you ever find yourself in this critical situation.

Follow the advice below and watch the video to increase your chances of surviving a heart attack before the ambulance arrives.

When people suspect a myocardial infarction, their first reaction is often panic, which can quickly lead to unconsciousness. Although you have only a few seconds to react, the right actions can potentially save your life.

The first step is to call an ambulance! After that, start coughing forcefully. Coughing deeply and strongly, as if you are trying to clear congestion from your chest, can help keep your heart beating and maintain blood circulation.

Here’s why this technique works: by taking deep breaths, you send oxygen into your lungs, and by coughing, you apply pressure on your heart, helping to maintain blood flow and normalize your heart’s rhythm. This can be crucial in giving you or someone else a chance to survive until professional help arrives.

Remember this technique if you ever find yourself in such a situation, and use it to keep yourself or someone else alive until the ambulance arrives.

Watch the video below to learn how to perform this lifesaving breathing technique properly.