If You Enter A Room And Notice Any Of These Things, This Room Is Haunted
1. Smell

People have shared that there have been instances when they could smell their late grandmother’s perfume in one corner of the house which cannot be possible. This is also called “phantom scents”. But, before jumping to conclusions, ask someone else to smell that place. Sometimes when we even miss someone, our human brain, which is highly imaginative, makes us see or smell things which are not really there.

2. Temperature drop

In case you are certain that there is no draft in that room and there is one very cold spot which is not normal, then it could be a sign the room is haunted.

3. Phone battery

As per Doug Hogate Jr., founder of the Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society, as reported by NewJersey.com, ghosts need energy to manifest themselves.

He said,

“Ghosts are thought to communicate through electricity (like turning the lights on and off) for similar reasons,”.

If you had kept your phone fully charged and it drained quickly overnight in a not-so-normal way, without any usage, you have someone in the house.

4. The noises

Yes, mysterious noises indicate the presence of the paranormal. If you do not have rodent issues in the house, or any animal capable of making certain noises, then you know what that means. It is worth investigating anything that is happening out of the blue. Maybe it is just some old piece of wood rolling around due to the wind, but you have to find out.

5. You feel too cold and it isn’t normal?

Anything that suddenly sends a chill up your spine, especially a cold touch on your neck, could be a sign of the haunted. You must reach out to a spiritual healer and let them know what happened. But it is believed that this happens only to those who are metaphysically gifted.