Breakups are always difficult, even when it is a mutual decision. A love relationship coming to an end brings with it an array of painful emotions. And the aftermath is a bigger struggle. When you have finally moved on and got closure, you suddenly see your ex’s message popping on your phone screen. So, how do you handle a situation like this? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Never do these things when your ex texts you

1. Don’t Respond immediately
Responding immediately can be seen as you being readily available whenever he wants you to be. This can show that he is still one of your top priorities.
You can make excuses, saying that you were already on the phone when he texted you, or that you saw him at the right time, but that doesn’t mean you should (or even have to) respond right away.
If you’re going to answer, then it’s something you need to think about for a minute. No one is saying you have to respond to him and have a full conversation. You have every right to hang up the phone and ignore the message. You are not obligated to him in any way.
2. Do NOT Jump Right into a Conversation
You should think about why your ex is texting you in the first place. Did he just get out of a relationship? Did something happen in his life where he feels the need to have someone familiar in his life? Is he just bored?
There could be so many reasons why he’s texting you. Don’t always assume that he’s texting you just out of curiosity to see how you’re doing. Almost all of the time, that is not the reason behind that text at 11 pm.
If you choose to respond, tread lightly. Don’t jump into a conversation without seeing why he decided to text you in the first place. You don’t need to be involved if he has an ulterior motive.
3. Do NOT Forget About Why You Two Broke Up
There is a reason that you and your ex are not together anymore. It can be so easy to get back into good conversations and talk about happy memories. At the time, it can make you think about why the two of you even broke up in the first place.
This new conversation can make you feel like your ex really has changed, and that maybe you should give him another chance. Don’t fall into this trap.
Of course, the conversation is going to be good! There is a reason why your ex decided to text you, and usually, that is going to come with him wanting something from you. When you want something from someone else, of course, you’re going to be nice to the person
You want to kiss up to the person who can potentially give you something that you want. It’s usually a scam to make sure he gets what he wants, no matter how it affects you.
Just because the conversation is good now, doesn’t mean that he has changed. He just knows you well enough to know how to make you think he’s a different person.
It’s so easy to forget all of the bad things that happened in a relationship when good things are going on right now. But don’t forget that the bad things happened and that they ended your relationship once, and can again.
4. DON’T Let It Affect You
Don’t overthink the situation, especially if he just texted you a “hi.”
It doesn’t have to be turned into a big deal if there’s no reason to.
If you really want to walk away from your ex, you’ll take that text with a hint of suspicion and hopefully just ignore it.
Realizing why the two of you broke up and the reasons your life is better without him will do you more justice than discussing conversations and arguments you’ve had a thousand times.
There’s no guarantee the conversation will do you any good, especially if you’re doing better without him.