Kanon Tipton, a third-generation Pentecostal preacher, has gained widespread popularity with his talks, which have been viewed over 4 million times on YouTube. Despite being only 4 years old now, Kanon first displayed his oratory skills at the age of 21 months when he took the microphone from his grandpa and delivered a sermon in baby talk that left a lasting impression on everyone.

Damion Tipton, Kanon’s father, believes that his son’s preaching is remarkable. However, Damon is convinced that his son possesses a unique gift from God, despite being aware that Kanon is imitating adult speakers.

Various individuals react differently to Kanon’s preaching. Paul Bentley from the Daily Mail finds Kanon irresistibly charming, particularly when he exclaims, “The Lord is here tonight!” Meanwhile, the editors of the Huffington Post are captivated by Kanon’s powerful and emotional presentation, likening it to that of a seasoned preacher.

Diane Werts from Newsday remains uncertain, expressing doubts about the authenticity of Kanon’s passion in a National Geographic Channel program featuring young preachers. She suggests that the portrayal of these individuals as “Stars for Jesus” may be influenced by their parents. This skepticism prompts viewers to form their own opinions after watching the program.