Do you suffer from headaches? If you usually pop a pain killer, you may be making things worse. Rebound headaches from ibuprofen and other OTC pain killers are a major problem, according to Mayo Clinic. Next time you get a headache, skip the pills, and try a natural remedy. We recommend these seven highly effective pressure points for relieving headaches.
1. Third Eye Point.
You may have assumed one of the most effective pressure points to relieve headaches is located on the head itself. If this is the case, you’re right! According to Modern Reflexology, putting pressure on the point between the eyes where the bridge of the nose hits the forehead is an effective treatment for headache relief.
2. Welcome Fragrance Point.
Located on either side of each nostril, these pressure points open sinuses and reduce pain from tension headaches, says Modern Reflexology.
3. Temporal Hairline Curve.
This pressure point, according to The Chopra Center, is located above the ear, at the back of the temple. Breathe deeply while using your fingers to rub the pressure point. Continue the acupressure until the pain subsides.
4. Wind Screen.
Find this pressure point below the earlobe. The Chopra Center recommends asking a loved one to perform acupressure when you need it the most. This will help you relax deeper.
5. Hoku Point.
You may be surprised to learn one of the best ways to relieve headaches is with a pressure point located on the hand. According to Acupressure Points Guide, the Hoku Point between the index finger and thumb works wonders on migraines, as well as front headaches and shoulder pain.
6. Bigger Rushing.
Located on the top of the foot between the webbing of the big and second toe, this pressure point is effective against headaches, as well as eye fatigue and hangovers, says Acupressure Points Guide.
7. Foot Falling Tears.
Acupressure Points Guide says this point, located approximately 2 inches below the toes in the gap between the fourth and fifth toes, can help relieve migraines and other headaches.